learning powerBI



think of projects as reports.

a report is a .pbix file

when starting a new file you are presented with a blank canvas called report editor, that is where you will place all data visualisations (graphs, charts, tables...)

to the left are the views. there is a default Report view, data view which shows all available data in table format. Third view is model which is basically a data model view, like used for DB designs. shows tables ("classes"), fields ("parameters") and relationships.

to the right are fields, which is all the loaded data that we have that we can build visuals with.

to the left of that are the visualizations, which are all UI elements we can build using the fields data.

Importing data

pull from almost all data sources I can imagine. mostly table formatted data.

when importing data, before actually importing it, I can transform it using PowerQuery, which is like a sub-program that is also available for excel.
On power Query you define a list of steps to transform the data.
you define a step by making a change I want to the table using the UI.
This is powerful bc it automatically applies these steps to new data that could possibly come in in the future.

Power Query

merge query

activate it with button on the UI, home tab
merge 2 tables based on a query I give it